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Share with others! gets you quickly to the info & resources you need
Note: An organization's list or database should not be considered a comprehensive directory of physicians in that specialty. Also, medical association websites list only their members in their search tools.
>> From A Cure in Sight
"Ocular Oncologist Locations and Medical Oncologist Locations" search tool.
Physicians in the USA.
>> From American Academy of Ophthalmology
"Find an Ophthalmologist" search tool.
Select 'Ocular Oncology' in Subspecialty drop-down menu.
Physicians in the USA and other countries.
>> From Melanoma Research Foundation's CURE OM
"Melanoma Treatment Center Finder" search tool.
Select 'Ocular' in the services list for ocular melanoma treatment centers.
Centers in the USA.
>> From European Commission's EURACAN Network
"Find Your Expert Centre" in Europe.
This link has been pre-set with "Eye Melanoma" in the filter.
Centers in Europe.
>> From Eye Cancer Foundation
"Find an Eye Cancer Specialist" search tool.
Physicians in the USA and other countries.
>> From American Academy of Ophthalmology
"Find an Ophthalmologist" search tool.
Select 'Retina — medical only' or 'Retina/Vitreous — medical & surgery' in Subspecialty drop-down menu.
Physicians in the USA and other countries.
>> From American Society of Retina Specialists
"Find a Retina Specialist" search tool.
Physicians in the USA and other countries.
>> From American Society for Radiation Oncology
"Find a Radiation Oncologist" search tool.
Select 'Melanoma/Skin' in Choose A Specialty drop-down menu.
Physicians in the USA. Use "advanced search" for other countries.
>> From American Academy of Ophthalmology
"Find an Ophthalmologist" search tool.
Select 'Oculofacial Plastics/Reconstructive' in Subspecialty drop-down menu.
Physicians in the USA and other countries.
>> From American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
"Find a Surgeon" search tool.
Physicians in the USA and other countries.
The American Cancer Society provides information about:
• The role of each of the "Health Professionals Who Are Part of a Cancer Care Team"
• Things to think about when
American Board of Optometry provides a search tool for finding a board-certified Optometrist in the USA.
American Optometric Association provides a search tool for finding a doctor of optometry (Optometrist) in the USA.
What Is an Ophthalmologist vs Optometrist?
American Academy of Ophthalmology explains "how the role of ophthalmologist eye doctors compares with other members of the eye care team."
"Ocularists are professionals specializing in the fabricating and fitting of custom-made ocular prosthetics (artificial eyes)."
American Society of Ocularists provides a list of Ocularists in the USA and other countries.
National Examining Board of Ocularists provides a list of board-certified Ocularists in the USA and other countries.
"Anaplastologists are specialists in the design and fabrication of realistic and functional facial, body, and ocular prostheses."
Board for Certification in Clinical Anaplastology provides a list of board-certified Clinical Anaplastologists in the USA.
International Anaplastology Association provides a list of Anaplastologists in the USA and other countries.
Search for a U.S. cancer center using databases provided by:
Association of American Cancer Institutes
Association of Cancer Care Centers (Previously known as Association of Community Cancer Centers)
National Cancer Institute (for NCI-Designated Cancer Centers)
New information added to this webpage: September 6, 2024
Links to all external sites re-verified on this webpage: September 6, 2024
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